Monday, September 01, 2008


September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. The purpose is to increase awareness of the need to prepare for emergencies of all kinds and to encourage preparation by individuals and businesses. More than 1200 national, regional, and local organizations and businesses have joined a coalition to promote emergency preparedness. Key Transitions, a company devoted to providing innovative organizing solutions to individuals and businesses, is part of the national coalition. Key Transition owners Kristen Hartman and Beverly Outlaw are available to supply materials and to speak to local groups about emergency preparedness. They can be reached at

Here are the recommended items for a basic emergency supply kit:
Ÿ Water, one gallon per person per day for at least three days
Ÿ Food, at least three days supply of non-perishable food
Ÿ Battery powered or hand-cranked radio and NOAA Weather radio with enough batteries
Ÿ Flashlight and extra batteries
Ÿ First aid kit
Ÿ Whistle to signal for help
Ÿ Dust mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape
Ÿ Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
Ÿ Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Ÿ Can opener
Ÿ Local maps
Ÿ Unique family needs such as medication, infant formula and diapers, important documents

For more information go to

Beverly & Kristen

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