Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Changes and Choices

While still trying to cope with the change to Daylight Savings Time, Virginians elected a new governor. Maybe the poor voter turn out was due to the time change. Maybe it was apathy. Maybe it was a feeling that a single vote would not make a difference. Whatever the reason, individual choices about whether or not to go to the polls affected the choice of governor.

What does that have to do with organizing? Just like election results, slipping into a disorganized lifestyle is the results of a lot of little choices. Choices like:
I won’t go through the mail because I’m too tired.
I will leave the shoes in the middle of the hallway because I don’t want to go upstairs right now.
I will buy this blouse on sale even though it goes with nothing I have and won’t fit in my closet.
Enough of these choices and you have a cluttered space.

Getting organized is also a series of choices. Choices like:
I will set one day a week to go through my mail and stick to it.
I will put a shoe storage bench in the hallway so I don’t have to go upstairs every time I remove my shoes.
I will not buy an item of clothing unless I know what it goes with and when I am going to wear it.
Enough of these choices and you stop the cluttering behavior.

You still have to clean up the messes you made and put systems in place to keep things straight. But making that choice will bring about a change that will give you more time and a better outlook. Get help, if you need it, to get started. Call an organized friend or a professional organizer. That’s a choice that will bring change for a better life.

Beverly & Kristen

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