Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Organize Medications

There they stand like little soldiers---bottles of pills to take care of aches and pains and chronic conditions. Or maybe they are strewn around the house, some in the kitchen, some in the bathroom, and some on the bedside table, placed there to remind us to take them when we eat a meal, or get ready for bed. The important things to remember about medications are to keep them in a cool, dark, dry place so they do not lose their potency or degrade, and to take them as instructed.

Once you have selected a spot to store medicines, separate the prescription drugs from the -counter (OTC) medicines. Store the OTC medicines by category: all the pain relievers together, all the cold medicine together, all the anti-acids together. Think of how they are arranged on your pharmacy shelf so you can find them.

Group the prescription drugs according to whom they are prescribed for. Then decide if you need some help remembering when to take prescribed pills. If you do, there are a number of different medication organizers that allow pills to be placed in compartments. Some hold pills for one day, others for one week or one month. One of our clients especially likes a little round Medication Minder available at Wal-Mart because the compartments are large enough to hold several pills and it fits in her purse when she travels.

One of the ways to make sure you take prescribed medication as directed is to set up visual or auditory clues. Visual clues can be as simple as keeping a medication that needs to be taken with meals on the kitchen table. A couple I know have to take pills with every meal for chronic conditions. Their solution is to have a small three-compartment basket in the middle of their table that has the medications labeled for each of them. The compartments are labeled breakfast, lunch and dinner. This has worked for them for many years and they credit it with helping them maintain their medication regimen. Other folks use a schedule posted on the refrigerator or medicine cabinet as a reminder. People who live busy lives or tend to forget can look into an auditory alarm. Some medication organizers have built-in alarms and alarms that look like watches or beepers are available.

Medication organizers and alarm reminders are available in most pharmacies and department stores. Check out the following web sites to get an idea of the variety available:

Beverly & Kristen

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